1. Property implementation
Title: Implementation
Specific value: "AzureLLMUnit"
2. Property model
| |
Type | Reference[LLMModel] |
Required | Yes |
Default | {"implementation": "eidolon_ai_sdk.apu.llm_unit.LLMModel"} |
Description: The model to use for the LLM. Since Azure deployments use custom names, no default is provided. See https://www.eidolonai.com/docs/howto/swap_llm for more details. on defining custom models.
3. Property temperature
Title: Temperature
| |
Type | number |
Required | No |
Default | 0.3 |
4. Property force_json
Title: Force Json
| |
Type | boolean |
Required | No |
Default | true |
5. Property max_tokens
Title: Max Tokens
| |
Type | integer |
Required | No |
Default | null |
6. Property supports_system_messages
Title: Supports System Messages
| |
Type | boolean |
Required | No |
Default | true |
7. Property can_stream
Title: Can Stream
| |
Type | boolean |
Required | No |
Default | true |
8. Property azure_endpoint
Title: Azure Endpoint
Description: The azure_endpoint for the Azure LLM API. ie, “https://eidolon-azure.openai.azure.com/“
9. Property azure_ad_token_provider
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
- implementation | No | string | No | - | Implementation |
- | No | object | No | - | - |
9.1. Property implementation
Title: Implementation
10. Property token_provider_scopes
Title: Token Provider Scopes
| |
Type | array of string |
Required | No |
Default | ["https://cognitiveservices.azure.com/.default"] |
| Array restrictions |
Min items | N/A |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
10.1. token_provider_scopes items
11. Property api_version
Title: Api Version
| |
Type | string |
Required | No |
Default | "2024-02-01" |
12. Property client_args
Title: Client Args