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The SimpleAgentSpec class defines the basic configuration for a SimpleAgent within the Eidolon framework. This agent is designed to be a flexible, modular component that can interact with various processing units and perform a range of actions based on its configuration.

Defining Actions

The simple agent has a constant system prompt, and any number of dynamic actions that can will be templated via jinja2. Arguments used in an actions user prompt will be automatically added to the rest endpoints openapi schema. For example, write me a poem about {{ topic }} in the voice of {{ actor }} will create an action that requires a topic and actor as json in the body of the http request. “body” is a reserved keyword, and if it is used by itself, the request will accept text/plain in the body of the request (which will then template {{ body }}).

Note that multiple actions can be added on the agent. Each can define different allowed states and output state, allowing for a powerful state machine to be built without needing to define a custom agent template.


descriptiontype: Optional[str]
Default: None
Description: Provides a brief description of the agent’s purpose or role within the system.
system_prompttype: str
Default: “You are a helpful assistant”
Description: Sets the default communication prompt for the agent, guiding its conversational context.
agent_refstype: List[str]
Default: []
Description: References to other agents or components that this agent might interact with or depend on.
actionstype: List[ActionDefinition]
Default: [ActionDefinition()]
Description: Defines the actions this agent can perform, each specified by an ActionDefinition.
aputype: Reference[APU]
Default: None
Description: Optionally specifies a primary Agent Processing Unit (APU) for processing requests.
apustype: List[NamedCPU]
Default: []
Description: Lists additional APUs that the agent can utilize, providing flexibility in processing capabilities.
title_generation_modetype: Literal[“none”, “on_request”]
Default: “on_request”
Description: Determines how the agent generates titles for its processes, either dynamically on request or not at all.
doc_processortype: Reference[DocumentProcessor]
Default: Reference[DocumentProcessor]
Description: Manages document-related tasks within the agent’s operational scope.

ActionDefinition Spec

nametype: str
Default: “converse”
Description: The name of the action.
titletype: Optional[str]
Default: None
Description: The title of the action, used for display or descriptive purposes.
sub_titletype: Optional[str]
Default: None
Description: A subtitle for the action, providing additional context or information.
descriptiontype: Optional[str]
Default: None
Description: A description of what the action does or is used for.
user_prompttype: str
Default: ”{{ body }}“
Description: The prompt presented to the user, which can include placeholders for dynamic content.
input_schematype: Dict[str, dict]
Default: {}
Description: Defines the structure of the input data expected by the action.
output_schematype: Union[Literal[“str”], Dict[str, Any]]
Default: “str”
Description: Specifies the format of the output data from the action. Can be a simple string or a structured dictionary.
allow_file_uploadtype: bool
Default: False
Description: Indicates whether file uploads are allowed as part of the action input.
supported_mime_typestype: List[str]
Default: [] (supports all types)
Description: List of MIME types supported for file uploads. An empty list means all types are supported.
allowed_statestype: List[str]
Default: [“initialized”, “idle”, “http_error”]
Description: Specifies the states in which this action can be executed.
output_statetype: str
Default: “idle”
Description: The state of the system after the action has been executed.